I want to be there for everyone, but they won't let me....
(too old to reply)
2024-04-11 13:22:34 UTC
I can't help it. I read blog/phlog/gemlog posts,
and they're often expressing pain, and I want so
badly to alleviated it. Yeah, with words, which is
probably silly. But what else in there given the
circumstances? Words have comforted me, or at least
distracted me enough from whatever sorrowful matter at
hand for it to magickally dissipate the way overly-repeated
mental shite often does.

One of the biggest areas of of "Damn!" for me is all
the younger people posting. I was that way too. Except
in my day there honestly weren't a whole lot of others
doing such compared to now - especially the all-important
opposite gender others. But it's "Damn!" for knowing they
not only likely couldn't relate to me, but have likely
been mental/emotional -ly poisoned about anyone/everyone
my age and/or skin color and/or gender. I won't even be
given a chance. I've become the default Satan/Hitler.

I saw that coming for a couple decades, by the way. I
think I was even somewhat part of it, for being capable
of acknowledging the sins of others with said ridiculously
arbitrary attributes. Acknowledging such wound up becoming
some kind of admission of guilt - and a permanent one at


That seems to be the peak of mental acuity/discernment
out there these days.

And nothing could be further from the truth. I lived with
people of skin color not mine in the 1980s. I married
"outside my race" in the last 1980s. I've multi-racial

But, nope. Irrelevant. Just take one look at me and

xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-04-11 21:12:01 UTC
Post by oldernow
I saw that coming for a couple decades, by the way. I
think I was even somewhat part of it, for being capable
of acknowledging the sins of others with said ridiculously
arbitrary attributes. Acknowledging such wound up becoming
some kind of admission of guilt - and a permanent one at
That seems to be the peak of mental acuity/discernment
out there these days.
And nothing could be further from the truth. I lived with
people of skin color not mine in the 1980s. I married
"outside my race" in the last 1980s. I've multi-racial
Fascinating. You have a very reality warping mind. ;) My wife told me
tonight, I want to watch this movie called Green Book, and that made me
think about your post.

The mind is a strange thing, I saw this post, and then my wife wanted to
watch that movie tonight.
2024-04-12 00:34:25 UTC
Post by D
Fascinating. You have a very reality warping mind. ;)
Silly guy! The essence of mind *is* the morphing of
reality! ;-)
Post by D
My wife told me tonight, I want to watch this movie called
Green Book, and that made me think about your post.
The mind is a strange thing, I saw this post, and then my
wife wanted to watch that movie tonight.
What do expect in/of a life that is but a dream?
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-04-12 07:57:30 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by D
Fascinating. You have a very reality warping mind. ;)
Silly guy! The essence of mind *is* the morphing of
reality! ;-)
Post by D
My wife told me tonight, I want to watch this movie called
Green Book, and that made me think about your post.
The mind is a strange thing, I saw this post, and then my
wife wanted to watch that movie tonight.
What do expect in/of a life that is but a dream?
True! Let's warp it together for some extra money in the bank! ;) Come on,
we can do it! ;)
2024-04-12 13:24:38 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by D
My wife told me tonight, I want to watch this movie called
Green Book, and that made me think about your post.
The mind is a strange thing, I saw this post, and then my
wife wanted to watch that movie tonight.
What do expect in/of a life that is but a dream?
True! Let's warp it together for some extra money in the
bank! ;) Come on, we can do it! ;)
People like to say "let's put our minds together", but what
they usually don't realize (and it's due to what I'm about
to say) is they have less than a whole mind, meaning their
mind can be represented as a decimal number less than one,
and since the "together" operation tends to be closer to
multiplication than addition (a sort of Murphy's Law-ish
consequence, you see...), the resulting product is always
less than the starting multiplicands.... ;-)
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-04-12 21:12:42 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by oldernow
Post by D
My wife told me tonight, I want to watch this movie called
Green Book, and that made me think about your post.
The mind is a strange thing, I saw this post, and then my
wife wanted to watch that movie tonight.
What do expect in/of a life that is but a dream?
True! Let's warp it together for some extra money in the
bank! ;) Come on, we can do it! ;)
People like to say "let's put our minds together", but what
they usually don't realize (and it's due to what I'm about
to say) is they have less than a whole mind, meaning their
mind can be represented as a decimal number less than one,
and since the "together" operation tends to be closer to
multiplication than addition (a sort of Murphy's Law-ish
consequence, you see...), the resulting product is always
less than the starting multiplicands.... ;-)
Oh wow! So you don't believe in 1 + 1 = 3 then? ;)
2024-04-13 13:37:21 UTC
Post by oldernow
People like to say "let's put our minds together", but what
they usually don't realize (and it's due to what I'm about
to say) is they have less than a whole mind, meaning their
mind can be represented as a decimal number less than one,
and since the "together" operation tends to be closer to
multiplication than addition (a sort of Murphy's Law-ish
consequence, you see...), the resulting product is always
less than the starting multiplicands.... ;-)
Oh wow! So you don't believe in 1 + 1 = 3 then? ;)
Want to. Did to my peril for decades. But - because of
said peril - don't.
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-04-14 19:53:45 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by oldernow
People like to say "let's put our minds together", but what
they usually don't realize (and it's due to what I'm about
to say) is they have less than a whole mind, meaning their
mind can be represented as a decimal number less than one,
and since the "together" operation tends to be closer to
multiplication than addition (a sort of Murphy's Law-ish
consequence, you see...), the resulting product is always
less than the starting multiplicands.... ;-)
Oh wow! So you don't believe in 1 + 1 = 3 then? ;)
Want to. Did to my peril for decades. But - because of
said peril - don't.
Experience can be a cruel teacher! ;)
2024-04-15 02:27:20 UTC
Post by D
Post by oldernow
Want to. Did to my peril for decades. But - because of
said peril - don't.
Experience can be a cruel teacher! ;)
Tell your wife I think she has a really interesting name! ;-)
xyz001 at nym.hush.com
2024-04-15 09:22:26 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by D
Post by oldernow
Want to. Did to my peril for decades. But - because of
said peril - don't.
Experience can be a cruel teacher! ;)
Tell your wife I think she has a really interesting name! ;-)
