Welcome to the jungle, you've got what it fakes
(too old to reply)
2024-08-20 17:17:49 UTC
For me, there is a class of thoughts indicating possible
exits from thinking. All the rest seem procrastinatory
distraction from those.

That's not to say that forming sentences that flow
pleasantly in meter/syllable/rhyming kinds of ways
isn't fun.

But, ultimately, that activity enlists thinking, which
seems identical to ignore-ance to me: aka ignore-ing
<ineffable> beneath the opaque thinking/thought clutter.

The thought of I/me - and all thoughts that follow
(i.e. can be discriminated) from that - get in the way,
"are the problem", and so on.

It's kind of hilarious, really, that the problem should
seek a solution to the problem but, of course, always
in non-serious ways, i.e. ways that couldn't eradicate
the problem.

Something like that....
Oh, for the love of signature silliness....
2024-08-20 17:35:23 UTC
Post by oldernow
For me, there is a class of thoughts indicating possible
exits from thinking. All the rest seem procrastinatory
distraction from those.
That's not to say that forming sentences that flow
pleasantly in meter/syllable/rhyming kinds of ways
isn't fun.
But, ultimately, that activity enlists thinking, which
seems identical to ignore-ance to me: aka ignore-ing
<ineffable> beneath the opaque thinking/thought clutter.
The thought of I/me - and all thoughts that follow
(i.e. can be discriminated) from that - get in the way,
"are the problem", and so on.
It's kind of hilarious, really, that the problem should
seek a solution to the problem but, of course, always
in non-serious ways, i.e. ways that couldn't eradicate
the problem.
Something like that....
"Human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the
human body. Therefore, anything that is born out of human thinking is

"Thought is opposed fundamentally to the functioning of this living organism."

Etc, etc.

2024-08-20 17:46:50 UTC
Post by Richmond
"Human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological
defect in the human body. Therefore, anything that is born
out of human thinking is destructive."
"Thought is opposed fundamentally to the functioning of
this living organism."
Etc, etc.
Oooh, wow, neat site. Thank you!
Oh, for the love of signature silliness....
2024-08-20 18:12:08 UTC
Post by oldernow
Post by Richmond
"Human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological
defect in the human body. Therefore, anything that is born
out of human thinking is destructive."
"Thought is opposed fundamentally to the functioning of
this living organism."
Etc, etc.
Oooh, wow, neat site. Thank you!
It has some great quotations. I find I have to open links in a new tab
or they don't work.

"The only 'I' that I can find there is the first person singular
pronoun. I have to use that to differentiate from the second person
singular pronoun."

"To be an individual and to be yourself you do not have to do a
thing. Culture demands that you should be something other than what you
are. What a tremendous amount of energy we waste trying to become that!
But if that energy is released, living becomes very simple. Then what is
it that you cannot do?"
2024-08-21 13:44:44 UTC
Post by Richmond
Post by oldernow
Post by Richmond
Oooh, wow, neat site. Thank you!
It has some great quotations.
Post by Richmond
I find I have to open links in a new tab or they don't
They work fine in lynx/elinks.

Well, so far.... <casts angry look Murphy's direction>
Oh, for the love of signature silliness....