Post by Peter Moylaninteresting". I get the impression that philosophers as a group are now
finding themselves in the same position as Dawkins's God of the Gaps,
desperately looking for fields of enquiry that have not been claimed by
someone else.
I don't think it is that sinister. The gold standard for me, when it comes to
philosophy in the modern day and age, is ethics. I think philosophers fill an
important function in our society analyzing the ethical implications and moral
dilemmas of our time, _and_, of the future, when it comes to the technologies we
develop, how we use them, and how they affect (or will affect) our lives.
Other areas I think philosopher are (arguably) relevant is logic (could be
argued that this is now math however), philosophy of science, and to some extent
the resurgence of philosophy of how to live a happy and meaningful life (could
be argued that this is on its way to be sucked up by positive psychology).
Another area I think might have been revitalized is philosophy of mind in this
day of AI?
Then there is of course history of philosophy and philosophy of history. I think
it could be argued that a knowledge of those branches might aid us in making
informed decisions.
Post by Peter MoylanPhysics continues to throw up interesting questions, but not many
non-physicists are willing to tackle them. How many philosophers have
debated the issue of whether string theory is a valid view of reality?
Or, to take a major issue that's almost within living memory: is the
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics valid? Most physicists have
an opinion on that, but few non-physicists do. The question is too
mentally challenging.
I don't know. But I would imagine that plenty of philosophers debate multiple
worlds and other interpretations.