Capitalism is not a system imposed from above; capitalism is simply what happens when people are left to do what comes naturally
(too old to reply)
Rudy Canoza
2017-11-26 21:33:28 UTC

2017-11-28 02:23:04 UTC
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
They had that in Dickensian England. Before there was any Socialist
laws and programs there was the very rich and the many poor.

The Luddites were a group of English textile workers and
self-employed weavers in the 19th century that used the destruction of
machinery as a form of protest. One misconception about the Luddites
is that they protested against the machinery itself in a vain attempt
to halt progress of technology. The Luddite movement began in
Nottingham and culminated in a region-wide rebellion that lasted from
1811 to 1816. Mill owners took to shooting protesters and eventually
the movement was brutally suppressed with military force.

Capitalists speak of the free market and supply and demand and
worship these ideas. They assume this will make everything great for
no reason at all. The problem with having a few billionaires and the
many poor is that having more than a million dollars makes no
difference in the lives of these people. They can do whatever they
want and buy anything they want anyway. The extra millions makes no
difference. But if a guy doesn't have enough money to do more than
sleep in his car and eat bologna sandwiches, a little more pay would
make a huge difference to them. Capitalist are unable to understand
this and go back to their free market drivel.

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
The Jews
2017-11-28 13:05:51 UTC
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
It also resulted in a metric tons of dead Nazis!

THAT was fucking AWESOME!

2017-11-28 22:04:42 UTC
Here are some quotes from Mein Kampf:

"The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the
Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National
Socialist. The best rule whereby the sincerity of his convictions, his
character and strength of will, can be measured is by the hostility
which his name arouses among the mortal enemies of our people.

"The followers of the movement, and indeed the whole nation,
must be reminded again and again of the fact that, through the medium
of his newspapers, the Jew is always spreading falsehood and that if
he tells the truth on some occasions it is only for the purpose of
masking some greater deceit, which turns the apparent truth into a
deliberate falsehood. The Jew is the Great Master of Lies. Falsehood
and duplicity are the weapons with which he fights.

"Every calumny and falsehood published by the Jews are tokens of
honor which can be worn by our comrades. He whom they decry most is
nearest to our hearts and he whom they mortally hate is our best

"If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning
and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday
to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be
persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Those who effectively
combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the
enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse
opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its
slanderous attacks.

"When these truths become part of the flesh and blood, as it
were, of our members, then the movement will be impregnable and

" Then I began to examine my favorite 'World Press', with that fact
before my mind. "The deeper my soundings went the lesser grew my
respect for that Press which I formerly admired. Its style became
still more repellant and I was forced to reject its ideas as entirely
shallow and superficial. To claim that in the presentation of facts
and views its attitude was impartial seemed to me to contain more
falsehood than truth. The writers were- Jews.

"Thousands of details that I had scarcely noticed before seemed
to me now to deserve attention. I began to grasp and understand
things which I had formerly looked at in a different light."

"Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be
secured. This was the Press. The Jew exercised all his skill and
tenacity in getting hold of it. By means of the Press he began
gradually to control public life in its entirety."

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
The Jews
2017-11-29 01:05:21 UTC
Hey, wasn't that written by Hitler? The guy who ended up being burned
in a ditch like garbage?
2017-11-29 03:26:29 UTC
Post by The Jews
Hey, wasn't that written by Hitler? The guy who ended up being burned
in a ditch like garbage?
Hitler wore women's underwear....
That's Karma

Have you ever noticed that Marxists think that the history of white
heterosexual men taking over lands was evil but when Marxists take over
lands it's progress?
2017-11-29 21:13:21 UTC
Here are some quotes from the German pamphlet "How they Lie" from
1940. The pamphlet has many pictures but the words alone are
interesting enough:

"For example, what would you say if a colleague of yours, whom you
regarded as a rival and who disliked you, were to spread the rumor
that your household is in disorder, that you murder small children and
rape defenseless women? Rest assured that in our country such a person
would soon be behind bars.

But the international politicians and journalists who slander entire
peoples in a shameless manner not only run around freely, they
impudently put on airs as the saviors of human culture. No lie is too
crude for them, no slander too vulgar-they understand their craft.
Even in World War I they knew how to incite hate with the help of
atrocity propaganda. We all recall those daily lies of the "German
barbarian" who, "like a wild beast rages over the earth and destroys
everything in hate and the fury of annihilation, who tortures children
and delights in the tears of mothers," as a foreign paper once wrote.

In war, man stands against man. Each serves the Fatherland in his own
way, and no soldier will deny the knightly convictions of a noble
opponent. Today, however, a cowardly gang of professional agitators
daily invents new lies and pictures from the safety of their desks.

How was the German soldier once depicted by enemy atrocity propaganda?
We all know them, for we had fathers, brothers, sons, and men out
there. For instance, on 20 March 1915, the newspaper "Le Rire Rouge"
published the following picture of the good German soldier:

A bloodthirsty murderer of women and children, a robber and plunderer,
who nourishes himself with sausages made from human flesh-that was how
it saw the brave and loyal German soldier.

Each of us knows what a crude and baseless lie this is. Every decent
person in the world should have known this. And yet: "Some of it will
always be believed, the stupid and gullible will never see through it
all" - so hope the political liars and slanderers.
We know what to think about this flood of slander flowing over the
German people. We heard the same things between 1914 and 1918. Then as
now, they are attempting to drive a wedge between leaders and people.
The goal of this propaganda is always the annihilation of Germany.

We are also familiar with the old lie about the desecration of
churches and shrines, which are once again in fashion with our

This is the undamaged cathedral of Tschenstochau.
The picture of the Polish shrine of the Black Madonna, with the German
soldiers in the foreground, was taken after its alleged destruction by
German bombers.
While the lying and yellow press of the entire world and the enemy
transmitters were inventing hypocritical stories about the presumed
destruction of the holy shrine, the Prior of Tschenstochau wrote the
above letter to the German military authorities that clearly testifies
that the monastery and holy shrine were untouched.

Thus the lie regarding supposed German attack could be immediately
exposed. The English Ministry of Advertising has had nothing to say
In reality, these lies are ancient. Our enemies always babble about
violated sanctuaries, persecuted priests, murdered children and
tortured women in order to prejudice the world against Germany and to
arouse the impression that the world must be defended against "the
barbarians who are threatening human culture."

The picture above is taken from a leafet dated 19 August 1914. The
same lie was used back then. Supposedly the Germans had attacked the
monastery at Jasno-Gora.

They always lied, they lie today, they lie, they lie.
There were countless numbers of these malicious pictures in World War
I. Today we see the new versions of this crude charge. Enemy radio
reports reports of drugged candy and poison gas-filled children's
balloons, with which German troops allegedly killed Polish children.
And our enemies decided to spread this vile slander in the exact
moment that the world heard from neutral journalists about the
unimaginable crimes perpetrated by the Polish on fellow German
countrymen. All of these neutral independent reporters saw and
corroborated the terrible atrocities against Germans with their own
eyes. In light of these proven facts, the shameless enemy presumes to
turn the tables and pin these murders on the Germans, declaring that
the murdered, whose names and addresses are known, are Poles.

They hate the Fuehrer, because he exposes their lies and crimes.
They hate him, because he rescued the hard-working German people from
eploitation. How happy they would be to see the Führer and the entire
German people delivered into the dark machinations of the world
Jewry! It shows the impotence of the Jews, since all they can do is
drag a straw man through the streets and burn it.
What do these subhumans know about the joy of a genuine national
community? These warmongers are hard at work rousing the world against
Germany. How little they know about the indisoluble bond between
Führer and people that is so overwhelmingly clear in this picture:

The Fuehrer speaks with German workers.
He knows that he can trust them, and they know that our cause is in
his good hands.

The enemy countries, who are so worried about the fate of the German
people, also worry about the S. A.

We have often seen them; we know how these men look. They are our
comrades, our colleagues in the workplace, our fathers, brothers, sons
and men.
Do they look like this? Since when are these imagined daggers the true
symbol of the S. A.? Once again some professional liar has taken his
pen in his hand.
They lie, they lie....

German men from all regions and occupations use their free time and
energy in regular practice, so they can be ready to serve the
community. When in the summer of 1939 the agricultural labor force was
too small to bring in the rich harvest, these men freely joined in to
help with the harvest, serving the homeland on peaceful fields. Why
does the enemy press, which loves to speak of its objective reporting,
never carry such pictures of Germany?

The more one examines their endless scribbling and radio news, the
clearer one sees that these expert liars have never spoken the truth,
not even once.
This time a newspaper really outdid itself. Here we see how a German
holiday is libeled.

Christmas and Nazi Winter Relief
We all know this picture. It is the Christmas celebration of a German
family that did not have the means by itself to celebrate this holiday
of love in the way the Führer wishes, in the way that every German
family should experience.
The NSV got involved.

Helpers, men and women, walked upstairs and downstairs, heard the
wishes of the needy, and provided gifts.
We all know the results. In any case, the 80 million people of the
greater German Reich know that the liar who drew the picture on the
previous page of an alleged German Christmas is not only a liar but
also an idiot. If the gentlemen wanted to lie, they should have at
least started out more intelligently, so that they were not found out
What National Socialist Germany has done and continues to do for
working people is unique in the entire world.

The foreign plutocratic countries that are dominated by high finance
viewed this new and happy life with envy and ill-will. They never
ceased in their endeavor to compel this new Germany into war, to keep
it in the same miserable state it was in after the Treaty of

But Germany knows what it has to lose. And because it is stronger than
the rest of the world, it will end this struggle victoriously.

Mr. Churchill, English warmonger, First Lord of the Admiralty,
architect of the encirclement campaign had it easy in the fall of
When he decided to wage war against Germany, he selected four English
passenger ships that were sailing to America. Then he sent the above
telegram, dated 28 August 1939, to Cunard White Star Lines, compelling
them to turn German passengers away from these ships, as they would be
uncomfortable eyewitnesses. See the accompanying letter from the
shipping company, dated 29 August 1939. Churchill then sent suitable
"rescue ships" to be "coincidentally" on the course of these ships,
which were now loaded with Americans. The Athenia was torpedoed and
sunk. If the affair with the "Athenia" not worked, then one of the
other three ships would have been sunk,so that Mr. Churchill would
have more stories for the English Ministry of Lies.

We know the rest. The yellow press of the world blows Churchill's
lying horn obediently: a German submarine allegedly sank the
But the evil, criminal escapade failed. Germany got hold of the
documents and exposed the criminals.

Once again, one of the vilest and most base of the English lies is
The following story is perhaps the best way of showing the reality of
moneybags journalism, and how decent foreign journalists are forced to
invent lie afer lie.
A couple of months ago, a foreign journalist whose name we must hide
in order to protect his job, came to Germany. He wanted to see the
alleged "Nazi hell" with his own eyes, in order to give an eyewitness

He saw workers who had jobs. He saw workers taking vacations with the
KdF. And he saw workers going to the theater. He saw the NSV's charity
for the poor. He saw and was amazed.

He had not expected to see that! How could he, knowing the truth,
continue to write lies and false atrocity stories about Germany, like
the financiers of his newspaper want it?...
In German camps, criminals and misfits live in clean and orderly
accommodations, receive sufficient nourishment and have enough time
for both work and play.
The foreign press reporter visited one of these camps.
The officials of the German concentration camp were outraged when they
later read his article.

The article talked about piles of corpses over which the poor reporter
had to climb, of moaning people in dark dungeons, of caning orgies and
other such imaginary atrocities.
The man had seemed so honest. How could he lie like that? What had
happened? The journalist wrote a letter to explain. He had written a
truthful account of what he had seen at the concentration camp.

But the owner of the newspaper switched everything around. Naturally
there are decent foreign papers that would never falsify the facts
like that, but we are not talking about them here.

The newspaperman begged the Germans not to take action against his
paper or the publisher who falsified the report, because then he would
lose his job.
That is how freedom of the press looks like in other countries; that
is how the lies and fairy tales come to be.

The Fuehrer spoke about the criminal newspaper Jews and the war
profiteers, in his speech on 6 October. They order the journalists and
radio reporters around like schoolboys. These "servants of public
opinion" are not allowed to have convictions or express their true
opinions, and only a very few exceptions prove this rule. They must
lie and slander and blacken Germany and its Fuehrer to keep the
gentlemen behind the plutocratic, moneybag policies in business.

But why do these newspaper moneybags lie so crudely, so stupidly, so
impudently? Why do they spread their slander all over Germany of all

They lie because they are weak and Germany is strong. They lie because
they want to make money by going to war against Germany, even though
the people do not want to go to war and are scared to go to war
against a strong Germany...

Things are a thousand times better here. Things are more honest and
fair here than anywhere in the entire world.
Here we recognize the honor of the worker.
Here there is a right to work.
Here the moneybags are not in control...
In conclusion:
We will not be confused by the lies of the foreign countries! We know
what we are fighting for!

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Wile E. Coyote
2017-11-29 17:13:28 UTC
Post by The Jews
Hey, wasn't that written by Hitler? The guy who ended up being burned
in a ditch like garbage?
Topaz should be burned in a ditch like garbage.
It's time for the students to step up their game and kill people like

Siri Cruise <***@yahoo.com> April 25, 2017
2017-11-29 21:14:12 UTC
Here are some quotes from the book "Kampfzeit", (period of
struggle), by Hans Hinkel:

"Faster than lightening a lie about us spread throughout the country,
spread in every attic room where poor people lived by newspapers owned
or obedient to the opponent. It took a week of work by us National
Socialists to deal with a three-line lie in an opposing newspaper. As
soon as one lie was dealt with, a hundred more sprang up. Like a
hydra, the opponent's horror stories about National Socialism and its
supporters spread. There was not a speech by the Führer or his
associates that was not immediately twisted and tastefully served up
to the gullible Michael at breakfast or dinner. Adolf Hitler had "spat
out the communion wafer." Hermann Göring was smuggling opium or
morphine. Robert Ley has "lost a 'v'" in his name Pastor Münchmeyer
was guilty of "moral crimes" in Borkum. We often would have laughed
had we not hourly learned the amazing gullibility of millions of
German citizens who were trapped in the enemy's web of lies. The only
answer was for everyone to set to work with the people, going
everywhere to fight, speak and educate. Sooner or later the opponent
would have to face us and be revealed as a liar to the public."

"The city was like an upset anthill on that cold winter night. Roland
Freisler ran out from the chattering council meeting and went with us
to the nearby Friedrich Square where we spoke with the starving
masses. We forgot the middle class niceties! We had to stop Moscow
from winning over these citizens driven crazy by hunger, making them
wiling subjects of the insane ideas of Bolshevism"

"Only a few weeks later, I needed an escort to leave or return to my
apartment. Several loyal S.A. men had to be with me all the time,
since Communist unemployed men, unscrupulously incited against us
National Socialists, wanted to attack me now that they knew who I was.
Every day I joined the unemployed who demonstrated in the large
courtyard of the labor office on Giesberg Street. More than once I had
to be met by party members at the Kassel train station to protect me
from lurking Communist terror troops. It was the same or worse for all
of our prominent Kassel party members and S.A. men, just as for the
storm troops of our movement who risked their lives every day and
every hour in every city and every village of Germany. The enemy
naturally was particularly after us speakers. According to the law, we
had to be unarmed. We would have been in deep trouble if a body search
had found a weapon! A nail file was thought to be a weapon. Later even
a party badge, since it had a long needle!"

"The attempts of our party comrades to hold a National Socialist
meeting failed a half dozen times or more. Most meetings were made
impossible by the thousand-fold numerical superiority of the opponent,
or else broken up before they could finish. Our protective service
-every party member in each local group belongs - is still too weak in
most areas to stand up against the red avalanche, driven more and more
by the Communists. One National Socialist against five hundred or even
a thousand citizens, that is how it always is there!"

"After I had spoken about twenty minutes, a worker jumped up on a
table and called upon the "comrades" to leave the meeting of the
"Fascist band." Several dozen start singing the "Internationale" and
we have no choice but to overpower the growling of the comrades with
"Deutschland, Deutschland über alles." Another several hundred leave
the hall. The singing quieted down and peace was slowly restored. I
spoke to several hundred people at the end, all that were left of the
more than a thousand who were there to start."
"For years now we speakers have been traveling through every Gau in
Germany. I speak primarily in Saxony, Brandenburg, Hessen-Nassau and
in the West. We see that even red Saxony is streaming more and more to
National Socialism. The meetings are difficult, but always

"For how long? When would this hard battle end? When would more
Germans wake up? When would hundreds of thousands finally be ready to
march into battle behind the banner of National Socialism?! - None of
us thinks about the "when." Forward! - Only forward! Each heart won
over is a victory! The day will come...!"

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-11-30 00:54:03 UTC
Post by Topaz
Here are some quotes from the book "Kampfzeit", (period of
"Faster than lightening a lie about us spread throughout the country,
spread in every attic room where poor people lived by newspapers owned
or obedient to the opponent. It took a week of work by us National
Socialists to deal with a three-line lie in an opposing newspaper. As
soon as one lie was dealt with, a hundred more sprang up. Like a
hydra, the opponent's horror stories about National Socialism and its
supporters spread. There was not a speech by the Führer or his
associates that was not immediately twisted and tastefully served up
to the gullible Michael at breakfast or dinner. Adolf Hitler had "spat
out the communion wafer." Hermann Göring was smuggling opium or
Everybody knows Göring was a drug addict, just like Hitler.

Who, by the way, was burned in a ditch. Like garbage.
2017-11-30 22:17:46 UTC
Göring got shot during a fight with Communists. He was put on morphine
for the pain.

The National Socialist were the greatest heroes who ever walked upon
the planet earth. Here are some quotes from Mein Kampf:

"The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the
Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National
Socialist. The best rule whereby the sincerity of his convictions, his
character and strength of will, can be measured is by the hostility
which his name arouses among the mortal enemies of our people.

"The followers of the movement, and indeed the whole nation,
must be reminded again and again of the fact that, through the medium
of his newspapers, the Jew is always spreading falsehood and that if
he tells the truth on some occasions it is only for the purpose of
masking some greater deceit, which turns the apparent truth into a
deliberate falsehood. The Jew is the Great Master of Lies. Falsehood
and duplicity are the weapons with which he fights.

"Every calumny and falsehood published by the Jews are tokens of
honor which can be worn by our comrades. He whom they decry most is
nearest to our hearts and he whom they mortally hate is our best

"If a comrade of ours opens a Jewish newspaper in the morning
and does not find himself vilified there, then he has spent yesterday
to no account. For if he had achieved something he would be
persecuted, slandered, derided and abused. Those who effectively
combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the
enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse
opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its
slanderous attacks.

"When these truths become part of the flesh and blood, as it
were, of our members, then the movement will be impregnable and

" Then I began to examine my favorite 'World Press', with that fact
before my mind. "The deeper my soundings went the lesser grew my
respect for that Press which I formerly admired. Its style became
still more repellant and I was forced to reject its ideas as entirely
shallow and superficial. To claim that in the presentation of facts
and views its attitude was impartial seemed to me to contain more
falsehood than truth. The writers were- Jews.

"Thousands of details that I had scarcely noticed before seemed
to me now to deserve attention. I began to grasp and understand
things which I had formerly looked at in a different light."

"Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be
secured. This was the Press. The Jew exercised all his skill and
tenacity in getting hold of it. By means of the Press he began
gradually to control public life in its entirety."

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-01 00:32:06 UTC
Post by Topaz
Göring got shot during a fight with Communists. He was put on morphine
for the pain.
And he stayed for the fun!

But he managed to find a cure, didn't he?

Post by Topaz
The National Socialist were the greatest heroes who ever walked upon
the planet earth.
TRANSLATION: National Socialists were-- and are-- the most repulsive,
stupid creatures to ever roam the planet. One only has to look at
their leader Adolph to see proof of that. And even when they KNEW he
was leading them to destruction-- they STILL followed him.

The result?


Loading Image...

2017-12-01 22:20:24 UTC
Is It Worth It?
Joseph Sobran

... In the early 1980s it became clear to me that the pro-Israel lobby
was trying to steer the United States into conflict with the Arab
world. I saw nothing in the American interest in that; and my own two
sons were approaching the draft age. Until then, I had been strongly
pro-Israel myself; but sacrificing my boys for Israel was a higher
price than I wanted to pay. Nor did I want other Americans to pay it.
But as soon as I began arguing publicly that the U.S.-Israel alliance
was not only costly but dangerous to the United States, I became the
target of Zionist vituperation and worse. Some, like Podhoretz, tried
to ruin my career. And I've seen others get the same treatment.

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 14:52:02 UTC
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Göring got shot during a fight with Communists. He was put on morphine
for the pain.
And he stayed for the fun!
[Kricket-der-Angst.wav] (© 2017 All Rights Reserved)
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
But he managed to find a cure, didn't he?
[Kricket-der-Angst.wav] (© 2017 All Rights Reserved)
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
The National Socialist were the greatest heroes who ever walked upon
the planet earth.
TRANSLATION: National Socialists were-- and are-- the most repulsive,
stupid creatures to ever roam the planet. One only has to look at
their leader Adolph to see proof of that. And even when they KNEW he
was leading them to destruction-- they STILL followed him.
[Kricket-der-Angst.wav] (© 2017 All Rights Reserved)
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
The result?
[Kricket-der-Angst.wav] (© 2017 All Rights Reserved)
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Is It Worth It?
Joseph Sobran
... In the early 1980s
Try to concentrate on what we're talking about, Topey. I know all that
glue-huffing you nazis do makes it hard for you to think, but we're
talking about that fat, worthless coward Göring and how his useless
Luftwaffe allowed the Allies to destroy Germany.
2017-11-29 23:10:59 UTC
Post by Wile E. Coyote
Post by The Jews
Hey, wasn't that written by Hitler? The guy who ended up being burned
in a ditch like garbage?
Topaz should be burned in a ditch like garbage.
I don't think garbage should be tainted by burning the likes of him in
the same ditch.
That's Karma

Have you ever noticed that Marxists think that the history of white
heterosexual men taking over lands was evil but when Marxists take over
lands it's progress?
2017-11-30 22:22:41 UTC
"Liberals and respectable conservatives say there is this RACE
problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the
third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white

"The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan,
but nobody says Japan should solve this RACE problem by
bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote
with them."

"Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY
white country and ONLY white countries to "assimilate," i.e.,
intermarry, with all those non-whites."

"What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem
would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were
brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?"

"How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a
RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK

"And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and
what kind of psycho black man wouldn't object to this?"

"But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of
genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable
conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews."

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

"Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white."

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
2017-11-29 21:11:58 UTC
"He was born into humble circumstances, the son of an obscure civil
servant in a remote corner of a crumbling empire, yet his name
resounds throughout the world to this day.

He was rejected by the universities of his time for formal enrollment
in art and in architecture, and yet he erected mighty buildings and
monuments, and today a simple postcard that he drew in ink or charcoal
fetches staggering sums at auction.

He fought as a front line soldier through all four years of the
greatest war in history up to that time, never rising above the rank
of corporal, but he won both of his country's highest decorations for
bravery under fire and rose to command the mightiest armies on earth.
Almost unique in the history of his century, he was not a lawyer or an
aristocrat or a man of inherited wealth and privilege, but a man who
once earned his daily bread with the labor of his hands, and yet he
conquered politics and rose to the leadership of the most brilliant
and creative nation on earth. So that his people might travel across
the land he loved quickly and cheaply, he created a simple and sturdy
automobile still in use today, and a network of highways that still
spans Germany. His game and forestry laws are still in force, and are
praised by ecologists as a model of environmental protection. His
economic program received the sincerest form of flattery from the
loathsome Roosevelt, who stole it and copied it into the context of
the American Depression as his own.

Every man who ever met him personally, even those who became his
bitterest enemies, spoke of him forever afterwards with awe and
admiration. His courtesy and his gallantry toward women were
legendary. With his power and his prestige he could have had any woman
he wanted, but the woman he chose as his life's partner, and who
eventually died by his side, was a simple and humble daughter of the

He did not drink. He did not smoke. He was a lifelong lover of animals
and children and was happiest in the company of toddlers rather than
statesmen and soldiers, and no one ever overheard him use a profane
word or tell a smutty joke. He lifted his people up from the mud of
defeat and despair and alien domination, and he died trying to do the
same for all of us.

To this day, his memory is kept green by the Aryan peoples of Germany
and the world, even though it means prison, and in some countries
death, to honor him or his legacy within the sight or hearing of the
tyrant. He has been slandered, vilified, lied about, cursed,
distorted, and damned every day since his death by the most powerful
and evil tyranny mankind has ever known, and yet his name and his
Symbol cannot be suppressed by force or by propaganda. As we begin
this new Millennium, his book is read and his name is on more lips
than ever before and his image and his strength fills the hearts of a
whole new generation of young Aryan men and women."

"When your mother has grown older,
When her dear, faithful eyes
no longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks -

Then lend her your arm in support,
Escort her with happy pleasure.
The hour will come when, weeping, you
Must accompany her on her final walk.

And if she asks you something,
Then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.

And if she cannot understand you properly
Explain all to her happily.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When her mouth asks for nothing more."

Those lines were written by Adolf Hitler, in 1923."

In the Thicket of the Forest at Artois
"It was in the thicket of the Artois Wood.
Deep in the trees, on blood-soaked ground,
Lay stretched a wounded German warrior,
And his cries rang out in the night.
In vain ... no echo answered his plea ...
Will he bleed to death like a beast,
That shot in the gut dies alone?

Then suddenly ...
Heavy steps approach from the right
He hears how they stamp on the forest floor ...
And new hope springs from his soul.
And now from the left ...
And now from both sides ...

Two men approach his miserable bed
A German it is, and a Frenchman.
And each watches the other with distrustful glance, And threatening
they aim their weapons.
The German warrior asks:
"What do you do here?"
"I was touched by the needy one's call for help."
"It's your enemy!"
"It is a man who suffers."

And both, wordless, lowered their weapons.
Then entwined their hands
And, with muscles tensed, carefully lifted
The wounded warrior, as if on a stretcher,
And carried him through the woods.

'Til they came to the German outposts.
"Now it is over. He will get good care."
And the Frenchman turns back toward the woods.
But the German grasps for his hand,
Looks, moved, into sorrow-dimmed eyes
And says to him with earnest foreboding:
"I know not what fate holds for us,
Which inscrutably rules in the stars.
Perhaps I shall fall, a victim of your bullet.
Maybe mine will fell you on the sand
For indifferent is the chance of battles.

Yet, however it may be and whatever may come:
We lived these sacred hours,
Where man found himself in man ...
And now, farewell! And God be with you!"

Adolf Hitler, 1916

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-11-30 00:55:05 UTC
Post by Topaz
"He was born into humble circumstances, the son of an obscure civil
servant in a remote corner of a crumbling empire, yet his name
resounds throughout the world to this day.
He was rejected by the universities
That's because he was a dumbass.

This was the result:

Loading Image...
2017-11-30 22:25:15 UTC
Western Media Fails to Tell the Real Story in Lebanon
Marc J. Sirois -- Daily Star (Lebanon)
http://ww w.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?
The fury of Israel's offensive in Lebanon has more than a few
observers shaking their heads. The vast majority of Western media
reports do not accurately portray the fact that the vast majority of
the dead are civilians, most of them women and children. A Reuters
dispatch this week described Israel's choice of targets as "puzzling,"
but for the most part Western television viewers, newspaper readers,
and Web surfers are reading highly sanitized versions of the news,
spun in such a way as to dilute the brutality of the Israeli onslaught
and especially to ensure that blame is placed squarely on Lebanon in
general and Hizbullah in particular.

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-01 00:33:32 UTC
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
"He was born into humble circumstances, the son of an obscure civil
servant in a remote corner of a crumbling empire, yet his name
resounds throughout the world to this day.
He was rejected by the universities
That's because he was a dumbass.
Western Media Fails to Tell the Real Story in Lebanon
Try and focus, Topey.

We're talking about the insanity of the leader of the National
Socialists, and how he- and their stupidity and blindness- doomed The
Thousand Year Reich to failure and utter destruction.
2017-12-01 22:22:20 UTC
"Furthermore, it is a painful fact that Frank was never given the
opportunity to explain or confirm each and every excerpt allegedly
taken from his forty-two volume personal file as Governor-General in
Poland. No-one has ever been found to substantiate the alleged
information about this conference"

"Every single defendant at Nuremberg denied knowing about any
programme to exterminate the Jews. Generally, the defendants, the most
important of whom was Hermann Göring, were astounded by the kind of
testimony and evidence that was presented by men like Otto Ohlendorf.
They didn't know about any extermination programme themselves and some
of them said, 'Well, perhaps there was one but I don't know about it'.

Hans Frank (the Governor General of German-occupied Poland)
strenuously denied that he knew about any extermination programme
against the Jews."


www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 14:53:40 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
"He was born into humble circumstances, the son of an obscure civil
servant in a remote corner of a crumbling empire, yet his name
resounds throughout the world to this day.
He was rejected by the universities
That's because he was a dumbass.
Western Media Fails to Tell the Real Story in Lebanon
Try and focus, Topey.
We're talking about the insanity of the leader of the National
Socialists, and how he- and their stupidity and blindness- doomed The
Thousand Year Reich to failure and utter destruction.
"Furthermore, it is a painful fact that Frank was never given the [snip]
TRANSLATION: I would rather not focus on that, because then I'd have
to admit that Hitler was insane, as were the deviates that blindly
followed him.
Michael Ejercito
2017-11-29 07:44:58 UTC
Post by Topaz
"The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the
Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National
since your name is not mentioned in any Jewish newspapers, you must not
really be a National Socialist.
Post by Topaz
The best rule whereby the sincerity of his convictions, his
character and strength of will, can be measured is by the hostility
which his name arouses among the mortal enemies of our people.
Your name does not arouse hostility; only ridicule and contempt.


This email has been checked for viruses by AVG.
2017-11-30 04:21:40 UTC
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
They had that in Dickensian England. Before there was any Socialist
laws and programs there was the very rich and the many poor.
The Luddites were a group of English textile workers and
self-employed weavers in the 19th century that used the destruction of
machinery as a form of protest. One misconception about the Luddites
is that they protested against the machinery itself in a vain attempt
to halt progress of technology. The Luddite movement began in
Nottingham and culminated in a region-wide rebellion that lasted from
1811 to 1816. Mill owners took to shooting protesters and eventually
the movement was brutally suppressed with military force.
Capitalists speak of the free market and supply and demand and
worship these ideas. They assume this will make everything great for
no reason at all. The problem with having a few billionaires and the
many poor is that having more than a million dollars makes no
difference in the lives of these people. They can do whatever they
want and buy anything they want anyway. The extra millions makes no
difference. But if a guy doesn't have enough money to do more than
sleep in his car and eat bologna sandwiches, a little more pay would
make a huge difference to them. Capitalist are unable to understand
this and go back to their free market drivel.
www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org
http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Not really. The 'utilitarians' came up with a good angle on things...the UTILITY found in that 'next' dollar a person seeks. To a homeless man living under a bridge, a single dollar has a LARGE utility to it, while to the billionaire, he might light his next cigar with that dollar and think nothing of it. Utility, as an idea, has merit; but the problem is the ability to measure such a thing; it is very subjective. There is no perfect system out there; but as to productivity capitalism beats everything else in spades...yields the greatest wealth and material standard of living [which translates to real world choices] for the MOST people of any other system...and by far more than socialism. Socialism ultimately destroys incentives for production...and results in shrinking economies 'in the long run'. SHort term successes nly
2017-11-30 13:36:45 UTC
Post by tooly
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
They had that in Dickensian England. Before there was any Socialist
laws and programs there was the very rich and the many poor.
The Luddites were a group of English textile workers and
self-employed weavers in the 19th century that used the destruction of
machinery as a form of protest. One misconception about the Luddites
is that they protested against the machinery itself in a vain attempt
to halt progress of technology. The Luddite movement began in
Nottingham and culminated in a region-wide rebellion that lasted from
1811 to 1816. Mill owners took to shooting protesters and eventually
the movement was brutally suppressed with military force.
Capitalists speak of the free market and supply and demand and
worship these ideas. They assume this will make everything great for
no reason at all. The problem with having a few billionaires and the
many poor is that having more than a million dollars makes no
difference in the lives of these people. They can do whatever they
want and buy anything they want anyway. The extra millions makes no
difference. But if a guy doesn't have enough money to do more than
sleep in his car and eat bologna sandwiches, a little more pay would
make a huge difference to them. Capitalist are unable to understand
this and go back to their free market drivel.
www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org
http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Not really. The 'utilitarians' came up with a good angle on things...the UTILITY found in that 'next' dollar a person seeks. To a homeless man living under a bridge, a single dollar has a LARGE utility to it, while to the billionaire, he might light his next cigar with that dollar and think nothing of it. Utility, as an idea, has merit; but the problem is the ability to measure such a thing; it is very subjective. There is no perfect system out there; but as to productivity capitalism beats everything else in spades...yields the greatest wealth and material standard of living [which translates to real world choices] for the MOST people of any other system...and by far more than socialism. Socialism ultimately destroys incentives for production...and results in shrinking economies 'in the long run'. SHort term successes nly
socialism also concentrates power allowing for small minded demogogues and tyrants to rise up and take control. Private property rights is the backbone of personal freedom, and when that goes away [ie the PEOPLE own it, translated to mean the government 'owns' it]...your personal dignity, autonomy, and the very reason for life goes away. You become a prisoner...unless of course, you might be a 'party member' making the choices for everyone else. Then socialism makes sense; it's your EMPOWERMENT then. The FEW controlling the MANY...that's socialism. Without some free market activity to 'prop it all up', it simply fails in time due to that destruction of incentives to produce [who wants to work hard for the someone else who gets your earnings?; not me; nor anyone else who is rational].

Socialism sounds good to those who might have scarcer resources, but it's the same prison it builds for everyonoe [except party members of course]...
2017-11-30 08:24:18 UTC
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
2017-11-30 22:26:47 UTC
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible. The problem with
capitalism is that it puts no special value on people. Capitalism is
based on supply and demand. A capitalist company that made potato
chips for example would need--X number of potatoes, Y amount of salt,
and Z number of human beings for labor. The human beings have no more
value than the potatoes or the salt. And they consider it good to pay
the humans as little as they possibly can to increase their profits.

According to capitalist theory people must compete to see who
will work for the least pennies per hour. They say everyone must
compete with the people in Mexico and China to see who will work for
the fewest pennies. If a company makes billions in profit while paying
its employees starvation wages that is perfectly fine. At least the
sacred laws of supply and demand are not violated. If the people die
of starvation that is fine too. You can always get more people. If
there is not enough work for everyone to do then they think people
need to die off. The Luddites were correct that something was very
rotten. But instead of smashing the machines, they should have smashed
Capitalism. Of course machines should be a blessing to mankind, but
Capitalism has made them a curse. Actually Capitalism is the curse.

Ebenezer Scrooge did everything right according to the capitalists and
followed the beliefs and values of capitalism. The apologists for
the Scrooges correctly point out that people only start business for a
profit. Of course that is true. Anyone can see that communism is a big
mistake. But wouldn't people start the business for only millions in
profits rather than billions? What if there were laws that made sure
working people got a reasonable share of the profit? Would that be so

In a hypothetical case suppose in the future technology
progressed so far that all work was done by machines. Huge farms
gathering food and all automated. You would think that would be
heaven on earth. But not with capitalism. People would be worthless
according to capitalist supply and demand ideas. People wouldn't get
one loaf of bread because they would have no jobs.

Capitalists oppose welfare and say that orphans and other needy
people should be helped by charity. How much charity would there be
when capitalists openly say that selfishness is a great virtue? If
there was no welfare then the charitable people would have to pay for
everything while most people would not pay one thin dime. We have
welfare so people all pay their fair share. It is part of having

We have many laws that make things better for people.
There are laws that give people extra pay if they work over forty
hours. There are laws that ensure people will have retirement.
Capitalism is for doing away with the laws so businesses can be free
to be as greedy as possible. There are laws that keep people from
getting ripped off when they buy a house. Capitalism is against that.
Capitalism is bad for people.

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-01 00:34:07 UTC
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
2017-12-01 16:45:06 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....

Communism is a virtual world built by people that don't like living in

We naturally gravitate to capitalism, as we naturally gravitate toward
living in the real world.... communism is akin to alcoholism....
neither functions in the real world.
That's Karma

We don't have a militia to guarantee that we can have guns, we have guns
to guarantee that we will always have a militia.
2017-12-01 22:25:48 UTC
By Hadding

Rush Limbaugh and the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock
On 26 November 2014, Rush Limbaugh ended his daily three-hour show
with a parable about the Pilgrims who legendarily inaugurated the
American holiday known as Thanksgiving. He read about it from his book
See I Told You So.

What the Pilgrims originally established, says Limbaugh, was a
commune, with all property and all production shared equally by the
community, without regard for whether one individual had been more
productive than another. Limbaugh points out that this communism
failed, understandably, because there was no individual incentive to
work and produce.

As a solution to this problem, Limbaugh tells us, the land that had
been held in common was divided into plots, and each family given a
plot to till and harvest. This system produced such an overabundance
of food that they ended up giving some of it away to the local

Where Limbaugh goes wrong is in calling this latter arrangement

Making sure that everybody has property is not capitalism. It conforms
to the economic doctrine known as distributism. Distributism is an
important ideal in National-Socialism, Fascism, and also Catholic
social doctrine. Limbaugh has hammered a square peg into a round hole
by calling the Pilgrims' economy "capitalist."

Under capitalism, instead of a plot being assigned to each family, the
Pilgrims would be expected to borrow money to buy land. Due to
differences in credit, some would be able to buy more land than
others, and some would end up with none. The ones who could not get
any land would have to try to get employment with the ones who did.
Then, of those who were able to buy land, it is certain that with
excessive production of food -- which drives down the price -- some
would not bring in enough money to cover the interest on the loans,
and they would lose their land, so that they too would then have to
seek employment. In the end, under capitalism, unemployment would
force most of the Pilgrims to find new farmland in less desirable
locations outside of the colony, where they could produce for
themselves and survive, while within the colony a small minority of
capitalist Pilgrims would own most of the land, probably forming a
trust among themselves to make sure that they do not overproduce food
and drive the price too low.

That's a typical representation of how capitalism works out. It is
not at all like having a central authority allocate adequate means of
production for each family to be self-sufficient. Capitalism, while
preaching self-reliance as a virtue, differs from distributism in that
it gives no assurance that the majority will be capable of it. In
fact, the inherent tendency of unregulated capitalism is to drive the
majority to poverty and dependence.

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
2017-12-02 13:23:04 UTC
Post by Topaz
By Hadding
Rush Limbaugh and the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock
On 26 November 2014, Rush Limbaugh ended his daily three-hour show
with a parable about the Pilgrims who legendarily inaugurated the
American holiday known as Thanksgiving. He read about it from his book
See I Told You So.
What the Pilgrims originally established, says Limbaugh, was a
commune, with all property and all production shared equally by the
community, without regard for whether one individual had been more
productive than another. Limbaugh points out that this communism
failed, understandably, because there was no individual incentive to
work and produce.
As a solution to this problem, Limbaugh tells us, the land that had
been held in common was divided into plots, and each family given a
plot to till and harvest. This system produced such an overabundance
of food that they ended up giving some of it away to the local
Where Limbaugh goes wrong is in calling this latter arrangement
Making sure that everybody has property is not capitalism. It conforms
to the economic doctrine known as distributism. Distributism is an
important ideal in National-Socialism, Fascism, and also Catholic
social doctrine. Limbaugh has hammered a square peg into a round hole
by calling the Pilgrims' economy "capitalist."
Under capitalism, instead of a plot being assigned to each family, the
Pilgrims would be expected to borrow money to buy land. Due to
differences in credit, some would be able to buy more land than
others, and some would end up with none. The ones who could not get
any land would have to try to get employment with the ones who did.
Then, of those who were able to buy land, it is certain that with
excessive production of food -- which drives down the price -- some
would not bring in enough money to cover the interest on the loans,
and they would lose their land, so that they too would then have to
seek employment. In the end, under capitalism, unemployment would
force most of the Pilgrims to find new farmland in less desirable
locations outside of the colony, where they could produce for
themselves and survive, while within the colony a small minority of
capitalist Pilgrims would own most of the land, probably forming a
trust among themselves to make sure that they do not overproduce food
and drive the price too low.
That's a typical representation of how capitalism works out. It is
not at all like having a central authority allocate adequate means of
production for each family to be self-sufficient. Capitalism, while
preaching self-reliance as a virtue, differs from distributism in that
it gives no assurance that the majority will be capable of it. In
fact, the inherent tendency of unregulated capitalism is to drive the
majority to poverty and dependence.
www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org
http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
No, you are throwing too many ideas in a simple concept here. All Limbaugh was pointing out is that the PRODUCER gets to KEEP what they produce. It's that simple. Under socialism, [or communism...one and the same as socialism]...that produce is confiscated and 'redistributed' to others. it is easy to understand that the INCENTIVES for producing is thusly undermined with socialism. Who wants to work HARD for someone else [if what you earn is given to someone else].

Oh, one might work in some sense for the community in some half assed effort...for short periods. But as a 'means' of livelihood...there are too many free loaders or under achievers, or those just not capable...that anyone who IS capable to carry the burder for all who do not produce to standard [and who is to say what that standard should be...except...well, yea, I guess the fascists].

Nah. SOcialism is imprisonment of the human spirit. IT works only for short periods before that lack of incentive to produce throws everyone into cold winter without stores.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 16:54:41 UTC
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Communism is a virtual world built by people that don't like living in
We naturally gravitate to capitalism, as we naturally gravitate toward
living in the real world.... communism is akin to alcoholism....
neither functions in the real world.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 18:20:26 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.

Then again, it sounds like you're an idiot.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 19:12:43 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.

I like well-controlled capitalism. I like well-controlled socialism.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 19:24:24 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:12:43 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
I like well-controlled capitalism. I like well-controlled socialism.
Oh, I get it now! You have no fucking idea what socialism is!


Typical for you people.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 20:13:46 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:12:43 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
I like well-controlled capitalism. I like well-controlled socialism.
Oh, I get it now! You have no fucking idea what socialism is!
Typical for you people.
I posted a definition yesterday.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 20:29:35 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:13:46 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:12:43 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
I like well-controlled capitalism. I like well-controlled socialism.
Oh, I get it now! You have no fucking idea what socialism is!
Typical for you people.
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?

Obviously not.

Here you go- I keep this around for all you nitwits that have no clue.

Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are
either state owned or commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or
a political philosophy advocating such a system.

Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates
the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production
and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Socialism: : any of various economic and political theories advocating
collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means
of production and distribution of goods

Socialism- defined as a centrally planned economy in which the
government controls all means of production.

Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means
the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the
gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
-Winston Churchill
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an
intellectual could ignore or evade it.
-Thomas Sowell

All socialism involves slavery.
-Herbert Spencer
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 21:44:26 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:13:46 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:12:43 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
I like well-controlled capitalism. I like well-controlled socialism.
Oh, I get it now! You have no fucking idea what socialism is!
Typical for you people.
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?
My definition is correct. What's your beef?
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 21:50:47 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:44:26 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:13:46 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:12:43 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
I like well-controlled capitalism. I like well-controlled socialism.
Oh, I get it now! You have no fucking idea what socialism is!
Typical for you people.
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?
My definition is correct. What's your beef?
I never saw your definition. You employed the old, "I already posted
it" bullshit, like I'm supposed to search for it.

Meanwhile, I provided you with many correct definitions, which you
snipped from your reply, so I'll provide them again.

Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are
either state owned or commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or
a political philosophy advocating such a system.

Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates
the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production
and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Socialism: : any of various economic and political theories advocating
collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means
of production and distribution of goods

Socialism- defined as a centrally planned economy in which the
government controls all means of production.

Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means
the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the
gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
-Winston Churchill
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an
intellectual could ignore or evade it.
-Thomas Sowell

All socialism involves slavery.
-Herbert Spencer

Thank you for providing me with yet ANOTHER glorious opportunity to
make you look like a complete fucking idiot.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:03:34 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:44:26 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:13:46 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:12:43 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
I like well-controlled capitalism. I like well-controlled socialism.
Oh, I get it now! You have no fucking idea what socialism is!
Typical for you people.
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?
My definition is correct. What's your beef?
I never saw your definition.
Well go look, dickhead; I posted it yesterday.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 22:03:44 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:03:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?
My definition is correct. What's your beef?
I never saw your definition. You employed the old, "I already posted
it" bullshit, like I'm supposed to search for it.
Meanwhile, I provided you with many correct definitions, which you
snipped from your reply, so I'll provide them again.
Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are
either state owned or commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or
a political philosophy advocating such a system.
Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates
the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production
and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
Socialism: : any of various economic and political theories advocating
collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means
of production and distribution of goods
Socialism- defined as a centrally planned economy in which the
government controls all means of production.
Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means
the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the
gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
-Winston Churchill
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an
intellectual could ignore or evade it.
-Thomas Sowell
All socialism involves slavery.
-Herbert Spencer
Thank you for providing me with yet ANOTHER glorious opportunity to
make you look like a complete fucking idiot.
Well go look, dickhead; I posted it yesterday.
Nah, we'll go with mine, since I'm not afraid to post it.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:17:29 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:03:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?
My definition is correct. What's your beef?
I never saw your definition. You employed the old, "I already posted
it" bullshit, like I'm supposed to search for it.
Meanwhile, I provided you with many correct definitions, which you
snipped from your reply, so I'll provide them again.
Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are
either state owned or commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or
a political philosophy advocating such a system.
Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates
the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production
and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
Socialism: : any of various economic and political theories advocating
collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means
of production and distribution of goods
Socialism- defined as a centrally planned economy in which the
government controls all means of production.
Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means
the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the
gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
-Winston Churchill
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an
intellectual could ignore or evade it.
-Thomas Sowell
All socialism involves slavery.
-Herbert Spencer
Thank you for providing me with yet ANOTHER glorious opportunity to
make you look like a complete fucking idiot.
Well go look, dickhead; I posted it yesterday.
Nah, we'll go with mine, since I'm not afraid to post it.
No, we won't; mine is correct and that is what I mean. You don't like it, too bad.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 22:23:39 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:17:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:03:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?
My definition is correct. What's your beef?
I never saw your definition. You employed the old, "I already posted
it" bullshit, like I'm supposed to search for it.
Meanwhile, I provided you with many correct definitions, which you
snipped from your reply, so I'll provide them again.
Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are
either state owned or commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or
a political philosophy advocating such a system.
Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates
the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production
and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
Socialism: : any of various economic and political theories advocating
collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means
of production and distribution of goods
Socialism- defined as a centrally planned economy in which the
government controls all means of production.
Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means
the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the
gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
-Winston Churchill
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an
intellectual could ignore or evade it.
-Thomas Sowell
All socialism involves slavery.
-Herbert Spencer
Thank you for providing me with yet ANOTHER glorious opportunity to
make you look like a complete fucking idiot.
Well go look, dickhead; I posted it yesterday.
Nah, we'll go with mine, since I'm not afraid to post it.
No, we won't;
Well, yeah, we will, since you're too chicken shit to post it.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:27:26 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:17:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:03:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
I posted a definition yesterday.
But did you read it and understand it?
My definition is correct. What's your beef?
I never saw your definition. You employed the old, "I already posted
it" bullshit, like I'm supposed to search for it.
Meanwhile, I provided you with many correct definitions, which you
snipped from your reply, so I'll provide them again.
Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are
either state owned or commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or
a political philosophy advocating such a system.
Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates
the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production
and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
Socialism: : any of various economic and political theories advocating
collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means
of production and distribution of goods
Socialism- defined as a centrally planned economy in which the
government controls all means of production.
Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means
the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the
gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
-Winston Churchill
Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an
intellectual could ignore or evade it.
-Thomas Sowell
All socialism involves slavery.
-Herbert Spencer
Thank you for providing me with yet ANOTHER glorious opportunity to
make you look like a complete fucking idiot.
Well go look, dickhead; I posted it yesterday.
Nah, we'll go with mine, since I'm not afraid to post it.
No, we won't;
Well, yeah, we will, since you're too chicken shit to post it.
You're too stupid to find what I posted yesterday.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:35:55 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:12:43 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
  Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to
kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
I like well-controlled capitalism.  I like well-controlled socialism.
Oh, I get it now! You have no fucking idea what socialism is!
Typical for you people.
I posted a definition yesterday.
More bullshit. You didn't post at all yesterday, you fucking liar.
Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:32:39 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:41 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
   Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
Capitalism is the natural state of human behavior....
Yep, without controls, greedy self-interests more than willing to
kill and cheat others.
Sounds like you're claiming that Capitalism isn't capitalism if there
are controls.
No, I'm saying that without [socialist] controls Capitalism is a proven horror.
Complete bullshit. You're blabbering boilerplate indoctrination that
was rammed into you at some educational backwater.
2017-12-01 22:24:57 UTC
"Must I remind you that the FDA is the outgrowth of the "Pure Food and
Drug Act," which was the result of companies selling all kinds of
tainted food and drugs! Left to their own accord, corporations will
do anything that improves the bottom line."

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 14:56:17 UTC
Post by Topaz
"Must I remind you that the FDA is the outgrowth of the "Pure Food and
Drug Act," which was the result of companies selling all kinds of
tainted food and drugs! Left to their own accord, corporations will
do anything that improves the bottom line."
So what? *THAT* is your argument against capitalism?

BWAH ha ha ha ha hah a hah a ha ha hah a ha hah ah ah ah aa.

Corporations make more money selling untainted food and drugs.
Capitalism is simply the BEST.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 16:54:06 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 17:08:05 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)

There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.

Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 18:12:29 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?

Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 18:15:57 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism. Try and keep up.
2017-12-02 19:17:02 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
That was over 100 years ago and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism. Try and keep up.
Except it wouldn't be USA capitalism, would it? More like CSA capitalism.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 19:24:53 UTC
Post by Teresita
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
That was over 100 years ago and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism. Try and keep up.
Except it wouldn't be USA capitalism, would it?
There is no such thing as "USA Capitalism."
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 20:10:13 UTC
Post by Teresita
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
That was over 100 years ago and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism. Try and keep up.
Except it wouldn't be USA capitalism, would it? More like CSA capitalism.
Nope, it was Capitalism slavery in the U.S. before CSA formed, supported by U.S. law and Constitution.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:35:29 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
That was over 100 years ago and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism. Try and keep up.
Except it wouldn't be USA capitalism, would it?  More like CSA
Nope, it was Capitalism slavery
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 19:30:22 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism.
Nonsense; may I similarly say Communism would have eventually self-corrected. Idiot.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 19:32:15 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:22 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Well, no, it wasn't.

Or are you so ignorant to think that slavery exists only under

I bet you are!

Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism.
Nonsense; may I similarly say Communism would have eventually self-corrected. Idiot.
Communism DID self correct! LOL

It went out of existence. Except, I suppose, in Venezuela, but that
self-correction is coming!

!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 20:35:28 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:22 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Well, no, it wasn't.
Well, yes it is, dickhead.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 21:13:10 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:35:28 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:22 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Well, no, it wasn't.
Well, yes it is, dickhead.
Well, no, it wasn't, and that proves how fucking ignorant you are.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 21:51:15 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:35:28 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:22 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Well, no, it wasn't.
Well, yes it is, dickhead.
Well, no, it wasn't
yes it is
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 21:56:57 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:51:15 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:35:28 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:22 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Well, no, it wasn't.
Well, yes it is, dickhead.
Well, no, it wasn't, and that proves how fucking ignorant you are.
yes it is
Proving, once again, you have no idea what capitalism is, either.

!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:07:34 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:51:15 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:35:28 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:22 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Topaz
Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented. (Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Well, no, it wasn't.
Well, yes it is, dickhead.
Well, no, it wasn't, and that proves how fucking ignorant you are.
yes it is
Proving, once again, you have no idea what capitalism is, either.
yes i do
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
double chuckle, dickhead
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 22:12:27 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:07:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Proving, once again, you have no idea what capitalism is, either.
yes i do
Well of COURSE you don't.

You're so fucking gullible you think it has something to do with

THAT is how stupid you are.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:25:07 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:07:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Proving, once again, you have no idea what capitalism is, either.
yes i do
Well of COURSE you don't.
You're so fucking gullible you think it has something to do with
THAT is how stupid you are.
Yes, U.S. slavery was created and maintained by U.S. free market Capitalism, dickhead.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 22:26:50 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:25:07 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:07:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Proving, once again, you have no idea what capitalism is, either.
yes i do
Well of COURSE you don't.
You're so fucking gullible you think it has something to do with
THAT is how stupid you are.
================= WARNING! ========================
================= WARNING! ========================
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Yes, U.S. slavery was created and maintained by U.S. free market Capitalism, dickhead.
NO, it wasn't.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:34:15 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:25:07 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:07:34 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Proving, once again, you have no idea what capitalism is, either.
yes i do
Well of COURSE you don't.
You're so fucking gullible you think it has something to do with
THAT is how stupid you are.
================= WARNING! ========================
================= WARNING! ========================
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Yes, U.S. slavery was created and maintained by U.S. free market Capitalism, dickhead.
NO, it wasn't.
yes it was
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
2017-12-02 19:44:39 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism.
Nonsense; may I similarly say Communism would have eventually
self-corrected. Idiot.
Apparently Communism already did. I can't think of a single place where
it's used anymore except Venezuela, and that's not a happy kingdom right
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 20:53:00 UTC
Post by Teresita
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism.
Nonsense; may I similarly say Communism would have eventually
self-corrected. Idiot.
Apparently Communism already did. I can't think of a single place where
it's used anymore except Venezuela, and that's not a happy kingdom right
Yeah, Communism sucks and was always destined for failure. Venezuela is not Communist.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:34:01 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 10:12:29 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
  Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented.
(Capitalism *caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
I deny it because it isn't. It's pretty fucking simple. Even an
atheist should be able to grasp that simple concept.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
That was over 100 years ago
It is a clear example of horrific U.S. Capitalism.
Bulllshit. The south wasn't capitalist. It was feudal.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
 and would have eventually self-corrected
thanks to U.S. Capitalism.
Nonsense; may I similarly say Communism would have eventually
Bullshit. It was communism, not capitalism, that contained the seeds of
its own destruction. It was doomed to fail because it denied human nature.
Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:31:49 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:54:06 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
   Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented.  (Capitalism
*caused* Communism)
There are ALWAYS going to be some lazy leftists who think the world
owes them.
Then they'll get sucked into a REAL horror like Communism.
Yes, Communism was a horror but why do you deny that Capitalism was and is a horror?
It isn't. Why can't you produce any evidence that it is?

Capitalism - more properly, private enterprise operating in free markets
- leads to the greatest possible satisfaction of human wants. It is the
only form of economic organization that is consistent with liberty. In
any other form of economic organization, liberty is severely curtailed,
and people have less. People at the very bottom of American society
live better than nearly everyone lived in the Soviet Union, communist
Eastern Europe, Red China, Cuba, or communist Vietnam. That's just a fact.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Was U.S. Capitalism's slavery of Africans a horror?
Slavery had nothing to do with capitalism, nor capitalism with slavery.
The south wasn't capitalist.
Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:27:42 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
    Capitalism and Communism are both horrible.
Of course they're not. Communism is awful, but capitalism is super
The Capitalism's horrors are why Communism was invented.  (Capitalism
*caused* Communism)
Complete and utter bullshit.
2017-11-30 23:47:50 UTC
Post by d***@agent.com
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could afford
air conditioning...

Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.

Meanwhile under socialism in Venezuela few but the rich can even count on
being able to buy food.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-01 00:34:36 UTC
On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:47:50 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by d***@agent.com
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could afford
air conditioning...
And cars and TV's and....
Post by Scout
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
Thanks to CAPITALISM!!!!!!
Arindam Banerjee
2017-12-01 10:54:15 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:47:50 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by d***@agent.com
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could afford
air conditioning...
And cars and TV's and....
Post by Scout
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
Thanks to CAPITALISM!!!!!!
No, thanks to socialism of the Napoleonic kind, not to be confused with the
Marxist kind (which is a highly vicious form of capitalism).

Arindam Banerjee
2017-12-02 13:14:29 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:47:50 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Post by d***@agent.com
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could afford
air conditioning...
And cars and TV's and....
Post by Scout
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
Thanks to CAPITALISM!!!!!!
No, thanks to socialism of the Napoleonic kind, not to be confused with the
Marxist kind (which is a highly vicious form of capitalism).
Arindam Banerjee
Are there different kinds? Or are there different 'levels' of the metamorphisis...sort of like sticking one's big toe in, then the foot, and soon...well, actually, it's more like a tar baby, ha. Not even B'riar Rabbit can save you.

Western dabbling into socialism is like that. ANd pretty much along what Marx described as the inevitable 'fall of capitalism'. The more people discover they can 'vote' themselves things, the more those incentives for production are destroyed when government redistributes the hard earned product of some to those who haven't earned that product. Pretty soon, the call goes up for even more 'free stuff' (why not; sharing sounds like a good human thing to do, right?)...except it ain't free and it ain't sharing; it's stealing; well, it all goes bankrupt in time. The dead weight loss expands [efficiency declines].

For awhile, things might actually look good; people getting all that free stuff and all. The debt rises. The services increase...and no politician can take away services once given don't you know [or people riot and carry on].

Free markets can support 'some' socialism to a point [apparently, since so far it hasn't collapsed in the west...YET!!]...but all signs are, that things are not sustainable. In the US congress...ha, what a laugh. They've known we are in trouble for decades now. THey've even legislated debt ceilings and avowed to never pass new programs without first 'financing' them. So...how does one finance things as a politician? Taxes. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor in the best Robin Hood attire Hollywood has to offer, ha.

There are no rich however; just householders and producers. The middle class is alwayas...as in ALWAYS...the one that gets screwed; cuz' if you truly are rich, you find loopholes and off shore banks and high falutin' lawyers to circumvent all that 'theft' of your hard earned product; uh...I mean taxes.

20 trillion in debt and counting [in the USA]...and when Greece failed, what do they do except vote in more socialism. Spain critical. How long can Germany crop things up anyway? ha...they are half Syrian now anyway from what I read, LOL [one of them half and half beasts of myth?].

The world in deep doo doo. Like one of them earthquake faults, the creaking is growing louder and louder for something to give way. We just don't know what yet. And now the gals are on the war path with all this sexual harrassment going around [some of it is real though perhaps, like that Hollywood producer guy], LOL more insanity to join the Muslims in the growing chaos.

For now, it all holds together somehow. Please everyone...keep it held together until I can get my life in [only a few more years to go]...and then you can let the shit hit the fan.

With all that's going down, it will hit the fan some day. That seems pretty certain...unless some sort of miracle comes along. Who knows; I keep saying no one here knows what any of this about (life) [or please tell the rest of us]. So, maybe
2017-12-01 22:27:49 UTC
"Libertarians believe that once one is burned by charlatans,
they'll simply stop doing business with the ogres who proselytize
inferior work and product. But, isn't the hue and cry for governmental
regulation the mechanism that the public demands when they've been
ripped-off by nefarious business people? In many cases, especially
with bigger ticket items, they don't have the luxury of not doing
business with a sinister plutocrat, but must buy and weep over shoddy
business practices...

"Surely, we've seen enough charlatans to
know that the market itself cannot monitor its own activities to the
good of all!"

D. Stephen Heersink

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 14:58:22 UTC
Post by Topaz
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Post by Scout
Post by d***@agent.com
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could afford
air conditioning...
And cars and TV's and....
Post by Scout
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
Thanks to CAPITALISM!!!!!!
[crickets.wav] (© 2017 All Rights Reserved)
Post by Topaz
The biggest supporters of capitalism
Post by Topaz
"Surely, we've seen enough charlatans to
know that the market itself cannot monitor its own activities to the
good of all!"
Only a glue-huffing pedophile like Topaz thinks that National
Socialism is the cure for charlatans.

2017-12-01 22:26:58 UTC
On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:47:50 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could afford
air conditioning...
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
Welfare is not capitalist.
Post by Scout
Meanwhile under socialism in Venezuela few but the rich can even count on
being able to buy food.
www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalvanguard.org

http://national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com radioaryan.com
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 14:58:53 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:47:50 -0500, "Scout"
Post by Scout
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could afford
air conditioning...
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
Welfare is not capitalist.
You don't know what capitalism is, do you?

That's a shame.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 16:53:38 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by d***@agent.com
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could
afford air conditioning...
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
This thinking is what happens when you exclude all the peoples who are part of
your wonderful capitalist society. Capitalist U.S. derives profits from
Bangladesh, Mexico, Dominica Republic, Haiti, most/all of S.America, etc.? Those
peoples who produce goods for U.S. *must* be included as part of U.S. capitalist economy.

You choose to look only in your nice little false bubble.

U.S. has for long time sucked wealth from many other peoples (cheated them).

Haiti - "Haiti is a free market economy", long providing cheap labor for U.S. companies.
GDP $1,800.

"Honduras’s economy depends heavily on US",
"suffers from extraordinarily unequal distribution of income,"
"65% of the population in poverty."

Dominican Republic
"The economy is highly dependent upon the US,"
"The country suffers from marked income inequality; the poorest half of the
population receives less than one-fifth of GDP, while the richest 10% enjoys
nearly 40% of GDP. High unemployment, a large informal sector, and underemployment
remain important long-term challenges."
GDP for half of country is less than $3,200.

economy has long been highly dependent on U.S.
"income distribution remains highly unequal."
46% in poverty.
Post by Scout
Meanwhile under socialism in Venezuela few but the rich can even count
on being able to buy food.
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 18:21:55 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?

2017-12-02 19:02:14 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Mao tried that too, he killed 40 million of his own people "correcting"
Capitalism by replacing it with Socialist farm communes.....

That's Karma

We don't have a militia to guarantee that we can have guns, we have guns
to guarantee that we will always have a militia.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 19:26:04 UTC
On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 14:02:14 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Mao tried that too, he killed 40 million of his own people "correcting"
Capitalism by replacing it with Socialist farm communes.....
That's !! Atheist's version of "well-controlled socialism," I think.

!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 21:10:21 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 14:02:14 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Mao tried that too, he killed 40 million of his own people "correcting"
Capitalism by replacing it with Socialist farm communes.....
That's !! Atheist's version of "well-controlled socialism," I think.
I know about horror of U.S. Capitalist slavery, Trail of Tears, and Manifest Destiny.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 21:14:01 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:10:21 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 14:02:14 -0500, #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Mao tried that too, he killed 40 million of his own people "correcting"
Capitalism by replacing it with Socialist farm communes.....
That's !! Atheist's version of "well-controlled socialism," I think.
[crickets.wav] (© 2017 All Rights Reserved)
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
I know about horror of U.S. Capitalist slavery, Trail of Tears, and Manifest Destiny.
Obviously you do not.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 20:04:28 UTC
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Mao tried that too, he killed 40 million of his own people "correcting"
Capitalism by replacing it with Socialist farm communes.....
That's all Capitalism's fault; horrors of Capitalism created Communism so blame every bit on Capitalism.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 20:08:30 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:04:28 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Mao tried that too, he killed 40 million of his own people "correcting"
Capitalism by replacing it with Socialist farm communes.....
That's all Capitalism's fault; horrors of Capitalism created Communism so blame every bit on Capitalism.
That's like when those whacked out murderers in the movie say, "Hey,
if you don't do what I say, and I have to kill these kids, it'll be
YOUR fault."

Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:35:11 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by #BeamMeUpScotty
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic
Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Mao tried that too, he killed 40 million of his own people "correcting"
Capitalism by replacing it with Socialist farm communes.....
That's all Capitalism's fault;
Bull-fucking-shit. That was the commie dictator Mao's fault - alone.
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 19:30:50 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27% but now U.S. has put strangling
sanctions on Venezuela, intent to starve them into submission.

U.S. should leave them alone, let them solve their own problems.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 19:33:47 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%

More like from 50% to 100%.

Pick up a [capitalist] newspaper and read it.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
but now U.S. has put strangling
sanctions on Venezuela, intent to starve them into submission.
What, they can't exist on their own? Sounds like they need....
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
U.S. should leave them alone, let them solve their own problems.
I agree that we should leave them alone- let 'em starve. Stupid commie
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 20:48:54 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
More like from 50% to 100%.
No, it's what I said. It has increased since but it went way down.

Venezuela is still a Capitalist country. How bout that, dickhead.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 21:17:45 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:48:54 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
More like from 50% to 100%.
No, it's what I said. It has increased since but it went way down.
No, moron. Read a fucking paper.

In 2015, Venezuela had over 100% inflation – the highest in the world
and the highest in the country's history at that time. The rate
increased to 800% in 2016 with Venezuela spiraling into hyperinflation
while the population poverty rate was between 76% and 82% according to
independent sources.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is still a Capitalist country. How bout that, dickhead.

Under President Nicolas MADURO, the Venezuelan Government’s response
to the economic crisis has been to increase state control over the
economy and blame the private sector for the shortages. MADURO has
ceded increasing authority for the production and distribution of
scarce goods to the military and to local socialist party member
committees. The Venezuelan Government has maintained strict currency
controls since 2003. On 17 February 2016, the Venezuelan Government
announced a change from three official currency exchange mechanisms to
only two official rates for the sale of dollars to private-sector
firms and individuals, with rates based on the government's import
priorities. The official exchange rate used for food and medicine
imports was devalued to 10 bolivars per dollar from 6.3 bolivars per
dollar. The second rate moved to a managed float. These currency
controls present significant obstacles to trade with Venezuela because
importers cannot obtain sufficient dollars to purchase goods needed to
maintain their operations. Meting out access to the multiple exchange
rates has created opportunities for arbitrage and corruption. MADURO
has used decree powers to enact legislation to deepen the state’s role
as the primary buyer and distributor of imports, further tighten
currency controls, cap business profits, and extend price controls.

!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 21:56:03 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:48:54 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
More like from 50% to 100%.
No, it's what I said. It has increased since but it went way down.
No, moron. Read a fucking paper.
In 2015,
Chavez came in long before that, try around 2009. Idiot.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 22:03:00 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:56:03 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:48:54 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
More like from 50% to 100%.
No, it's what I said. It has increased since but it went way down.
No, moron. Read a fucking paper.
In 2015,
Chavez came in long before that, try around 2009. Idiot.
Chavez is dead. A victim of socialist medicine, probably.

And now, under socialism-- which is what we're talking about-

In 2015, Venezuela had over 100% inflation – the highest in the world
and the highest in the country's history at that time. The rate
increased to 800% in 2016 with Venezuela spiraling into hyperinflation
while the population poverty rate was between 76% and 82% according to
independent sources.

Probably closer to 99% now- everyone, in other words, except the
socialist leaders.

THAT is socialism, idiot.

Oh, look!

Venezuela resorts to slavery to feed people, the slaves
Now that Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign is finally over, maybe
he’ll have time to read the news from Venezuela, a country where
Sanders’ proudly proclaimed “democratic socialist” ideas are in full
flower. Venezuela’s latest innovation: slavery. Not rhetorical or
metaphorical slavery, but actual
we-own-you-and-you’ll-do-what-what-we-say involuntary servitude.

In an executive order that bypassed the muss and fuss of congressional
approval, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro decreed that both
public- and private-sector employees (that is, anybody at all) can be
forced to work in farm fields for up to 60 days at a time — or longer,
“if circumstances merit.”

"Laugh laugh laugh laugh."
-Lee Harrison 1957-2012, RIP
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:13:38 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:56:03 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:48:54 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
More like from 50% to 100%.
No, it's what I said. It has increased since but it went way down.
No, moron. Read a fucking paper.
In 2015,
Chavez came in long before that, try around 2009. Idiot.
Chavez is dead.
What I said is true and correct, dickhead.

Yeah, Capitalist Venezuela is having big economic problems, thanks to U.S. interference with sanctions.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Klaus Schadenfreude
2017-12-02 22:25:57 UTC
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:13:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:56:03 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:48:54 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
More like from 50% to 100%.
No, it's what I said. It has increased since but it went way down.
No, moron. Read a fucking paper.
In 2015,
Chavez came in long before that, try around 2009. Idiot.
Chavez is dead.
What I said is true and correct, dickhead.
Yeah, Capitalist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is having big economic problems, thanks to U.S. interference with sanctions.
But mostly thanks to socialism. As you are now aware.
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
Oh, look!
Venezuela resorts to slavery to feed people, the slaves
Now that Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign is finally over, maybe
he’ll have time to read the news from Venezuela, a country where
Sanders’ proudly proclaimed “democratic socialist” ideas are in full
flower. Venezuela’s latest innovation: slavery. Not rhetorical or
metaphorical slavery, but actual
we-own-you-and-you’ll-do-what-what-we-say involuntary servitude.
In an executive order that bypassed the muss and fuss of congressional
approval, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro decreed that both
public- and private-sector employees (that is, anybody at all) can be
forced to work in farm fields for up to 60 days at a time — or longer,
“if circumstances merit.”
"Laugh laugh laugh laugh."
-Lee Harrison 1957-2012, RIP
[crickets.wav] (© 2017 All Rights Reserved)
Yeah, figured you'd be too chicken shit to address slavery in your
socialist paradise.

Lee Harrison 1957-2012, RIP
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 22:31:06 UTC
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 14:13:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 13:56:03 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:48:54 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 11:30:50 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
More like from 50% to 100%.
No, it's what I said. It has increased since but it went way down.
No, moron. Read a fucking paper.
In 2015,
Chavez came in long before that, try around 2009. Idiot.
Chavez is dead.
What I said is true and correct, dickhead.
Yeah, Capitalist
Oh great, now you don't know what Capitalist is either; I posted that definition yesterday too, dickhead.
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.
Rudy Canoza
2017-12-02 22:34:18 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Klaus Schadenfreude
On Sat, 02 Dec 2017 08:53:38 -0800, "!! Atheist
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic
Capitalism; see countries above.
Yeah, how's that workin' out?
Under Chavez poverty decreased from 50% to 27%
!! Atheist ------------------------------
2017-12-02 19:34:11 UTC
Post by !! Atheist ------------------------------
Post by Scout
Post by d***@agent.com
Post by Topaz
Capitalism results in the few very rich and the many very poor.
Capitalism turns luxuries into commodities!
Consider, once upon a time, only the very wealthiest of people could
afford air conditioning...
Now, even those poor on welfare can afford it.
This thinking is what happens when you exclude all the peoples who are part of
your wonderful capitalist society. Capitalist U.S. derives profits from
Bangladesh, Mexico, Dominica Republic, Haiti, most/all of S.America, etc.? Those
peoples who produce goods for U.S. *must* be included as part of U.S. capitalist economy.
You choose to look only in your nice little false bubble.
U.S. has for long time sucked wealth from many other peoples (cheated them).
Haiti - "Haiti is a free market economy", long providing cheap labor for U.S. companies.
GDP $1,800.
"Honduras’s economy depends heavily on US",
"suffers from extraordinarily unequal distribution of income,"
"65% of the population in poverty."
Dominican Republic
"The economy is highly dependent upon the US,"
"The country suffers from marked income inequality; the poorest half of the
population receives less than one-fifth of GDP, while the richest 10% enjoys
nearly 40% of GDP. High unemployment, a large informal sector, and underemployment
remain important long-term challenges."
GDP for half of country is less than $3,200.
economy has long been highly dependent on U.S.
"income distribution remains highly unequal."
46% in poverty.
Post by Scout
Meanwhile under socialism in Venezuela few but the rich can even count
on being able to buy food.
Venezuela is now trying to correct the ill-effects of historic
Capitalism; see countries above.
Oops, instead of first line "exclude all" should be "exclude many of".
There is no verifiable evidence of any god(s). None whatsoever.
Extortion (Believe or Burn) is *THE* foundation of Christianity.
Sycophant: a compulsive ass-kisser of un-evidenced dictator god.