George Plimpton, degenerate and base art thou. Ye begrimed puppet,
Post by George PlimptonOn Jan 23, 5:20 pm, Kadaitcha Man
Post by Kadaitcha ManImmortalist, watch out he's winding the watch of his wit, by and by it
will strike. Ye are a hell-hated thief unworthy of a thing so stol'n,
a no-chinned quartered slave, a scab-laden hereditary hangman, a
On Jan 23, 4:40 pm, Kadaitcha Man
Post by Kadaitcha ManImmortalist, thou has no more brain than I have in mine elbows. Ye
On Jan 22, 7:42 pm, Kadaitcha Man
Post by Kadaitcha ManImmortalist, slave, wanton fancy-monger, white-livered and red-faced
slug! O rarely base. Ye raw-boned wicked varlet, base awful feeble
Post by ImmortalistExistence is not the same sort of thing as the property of
being unmarried: for anyone to be unmarried they must first exist,
Not content with tossing fully half the scientific method out the
window, the alt.atheism atheist fuckwit just threw out the world's
entire collection of fictional literature right behind it.
All that noise and spinning wheels just because "existence" cannot be
predicated? You need to learn some basic logic joker.
I know more about logic than everything you know about everything in
your tiny atheistic little universe put together. It's about time you
were made to shut the fuck up once and for all with your idiotic
cat-calls about logic when the sheer logical absurdity of your
unthinking pronouncements are rightly called into question.
Let the lesson begin.
"for anyone to be unmarried they must first exist" is ontologically
false and epistemiologically false. It is provably not even
existentially true in the strict sense of trueness.
If I say to you, "Joe exists", it is highly likely that you take it to
mean that Joe is real, where real is a predicate used to remove the
possibility that Joe is imaginary.
Yes? No? Agree? Disagree? Why? Why not?
I disagree and you don't appear to know much logic at all
There's the first proof that you're a fuckwit. The word 'if' introduces
a supposition, not a logical point.
Strike one.
You have not presented any evidence for your failed theories about me.
It easy to see that you know very little logic idiot.
He does at least appear to know it better than you, but that's not
saying much.
I eagerly await your denial that your ocean needs a set of essential
properties instead of one 'essential defining property'.
I could have run you flat with your idiotic acceptance of the bullshit
notion of 'essential defining property', but chose not to.
Modal logic, which you and the OP are flailing around with and
spectacularly failing at, deals with essential properties. There is no
such thing as an 'essential defining property' in modal logic except as
an abstraction with foregoing assumptions to underpin it. Nobody skilled
in modal logic would ever use the phrase.
Essential properties define essence, and essence is what makes X what X
is. Essential properties are necessary properties. Vastness is not an
essential property of an ocean, it is an accidental property at best. At
worst it is an unnecessary superlative. Vasteness is both vague and
relative. For example, if one supposes a planet exactly like earth but
twenty times bigger then your "vast" ocean becomes a mere pond,
therefore vastness cannot be a valid essential property of an ocean.
ocean: a continuous body of water that is customarily divided into
several principal oceans and smaller seas.
Thus, the essential properties of an ocean, according to the reference, are:
A continuous body of water.
Divided into several principal oceans.
Divided into several smaller seas.
The definition of the essence of an ocean is still inadequate because
there now exists the possibility of freshwater bodies meeting the
criteria for an ocean. Therefore salt must also be an essential property
of an ocean if we are to define ocean in the common meaning of the term.
A more suitable set of defining properties for an ocean is:
A continuous body of salt water.
Divided into several principal oceans.
Divided into several smaller seas.
Now, back to this:
"Being vast is the essential defining property of X."
X can be an ocean, but X can also be the universe, or a crowd of people,
a school of fish, or the gap between your ears... therefore vast does
not essentially define an ocean because vast may be a defining property
of any number of other entities.
I suppose you don't see at all why any self-respecting logician would
use the bullshit phrase 'the essential defining property' in any logical
proof; the phrase is nothing more and nothing less than mere metaphor.
Post by George PlimptonTo date, I don't see much evidence that either of you knows fuck-all
about logic. He at least is succinct; you are a tedious windbag.
You can stop puffing your sunken chest up now, you supercilious,
know-nothing little fuckbag.
chocolate fountain : n. A spectacular, anal, upside down firework
ignited in the lavatory to celebrate having a belly full of beer and a
dodgy curry the night before.